The Official WotKK Contact Page

Feel to to send us a note, comment, suggestion, praise, or bug report. We actually do check our emails and, assuming we're not out of town for some reason, should be able to get back to you within a few hours.

Please note that your name will not be added to any sort of list. This is just the "get in touch" page, not the newsletter page.



When you click one of the links, below, a form will pop up. If you have a long comment then I suggest you put it together with Notepad or something, then copy and paste it into the form. It's easier that way.

If you want a reply, use this link, and we will get back in touch as soon as we can. Make sure there is a place on the form for your email, the feedback form doesn't have one.

If you do not want to use your email address then click the "feedback" button when the contact form pops up. Click here to bring up the contact form. You will see that the email field goes away and I will not be able to respond to your comment.


Greg and Gwynne,
The Tauren Chef and
Wrath of the Kitchen King